
- , Nepal Time
Radisson Hotel Kathmandu , Kathmandu, Nepal
Workshop on ESCAP Social Protection Simulator: Nepal

ESCAP has developed a microsimulation model, the SPOT Simulator, that enables users to examine the impact of different design features of non-contributory schemes on poverty, consumption, inequality and cost.

- , Indochina Time / Bangkok Time
Meeting Room H, United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand
Accelerating Implementation of the Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection

ESCAP convened a regional meeting “Accelerating Implementation of the Regional Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection” on 7 October 2024 to bring together partner

- , Nepal Time Time
Radisson Hotel , Kathmandu, Nepal
National Consultation on Readiness to Implement Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection: Nepal

Governments have increasingly recognized social protection as a key policy instrument to build a more productive, protected and healthy population in Asia and the Pacific.

- , Asia/Bangkok Time
Asia and The Pacific
Technical Workshop on ESCAP Social Protection Simulator

ESCAP has developed a microsimulation model, the SPOT Simulator, that enables users to examine the impact of different design features of non-contributory schemes on poverty, consumption, ine

- , Philippines Time
Manila, Philippines
ESCAP holds a National Consultation and Expert Group Meeting on Social Protection in the Philippines

On 12 December 2022, ESCAP conducted a one-day event on social protection in the Philippines. The event was convened in collaboration with DSWD, NEDA and the UNRCO.

- , China Standard Time
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Workshop on SPOT Social Protection Simulator in Mongolia

On 7 June 2023, ESCAP conducted a one-day event on social protection in Mongolia. The event was convened in collaboration with Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) and the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office.

- , Maldives Time
JEN Maldives, Malé by Shangri-La, Malé, Maldives
Workshop on SPOT Social Protection Simulator: Maldives

ESCAP has developed a microsimulation model, the SPOT Simulator, that enables users to examine the impact of different design features of non-contributory schemes on poverty, consumption, inequality and cost.

- , Maldives Time
JEN Maldives, Malé by Shangri-La, Malé, Maldives
National Consultation on Readiness to Implement Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection: Maldives

Governments have increasingly recognized social protection as a key policy instrument to build a more productive, protected and healthy population in Asia and the Pacific.

- , Indochina Time
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Strengthening the Evidence Base for Policymaking in Cambodia: Expert Group Meeting on SPOT Social Protection Simulator

On  March 14, 2023, ESCAP conducted a half-day event on the ESCAP SPOT Social Protection Simulator in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in collaboration with Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY). 

- , China Standard Time
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
National Consultation on Readiness to Implement Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection: Mongolia

On 7 June 2023, ESCAP conducted a one-day event on social protection in Mongolia. The event was convened in collaboration with Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) and the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office.